How much does it cost? What do you charge per square meter?

This is a very difficult question to answer without knowing what your project entails. DHD Building Plans prefer to consult with you free of charge to determine the project perimeters and will provide you after consultation with a detailed no obligation quotation, including all other services you might need for example, structural engineering fees and an estimate of municipal approval fees.

Do you submit plans to the local municipality for approval?

Yes, DHD Building Plans have a dedicated team of runners to handle your plan approval process in the fastest time possible.

When do I need an engineer?.

You will need a structural engineer for all steel buildings, steel carports and double storey buildings.

Where do I find an engineer?

DHD Building Plans can assist by obtaining quotations, appointing and dealing with the engineer on your behalf.

Why do I need to building plans?

You need building plans because the national building regulations stats; ‘that all structures above the hight of 1.8 meters is in need of building plans ‘. You need it for all type of structures including; car ports, Lapa’s, swimming pools and boundary walls. To sell your home the bank will make sure that your building plans are up to date because they are taking the risk of the property loan and wants to make sure it is a good investment for them. To make sure that your property transfer isn’t delayed your building plans needs to be up to date.
Insurance may also not pay out if your building plans are not up to date.

Will you build my project?

No, but DHD Building Plans can help you obtain quotations from reputable builders to ensure you are in safe hands during the construction period.